Monday, February 27, 2017

Windows 7 shortcut keys required

While working on the computer we use both keyboard and mouse. However, if your work done faster with the keyboard, then work becomes easy. Many of us do not know anything else useful shortcut keys. So what is needed is a few shortcuts.

Windows + Space
As soon as it hits the Windows desktop sebhenera keep all your open windows become transparent. But you have to hold the desktop hits. With the release of this effect will be dieyakatibha.

Windows + D
Sometimes we need to minimize the window after work. Minimize all open windows Windows shortcut if this time will be applied. Pressing a shortcut to it all over again if you want to open the window. If you ever come back to the previous windows.

Windows + E
If the shortcut is applied automatically to show your Libraries folder on a Windows Explorer will.

Windows + P
This shortcut is easier to manage your multiple monitor has been connected. Pressing after taking a shortcut on your desktop that will eyapiyara an overlay in which you can control your second display or projector. Again, if you want to monitor a single dual-display and you can switch to extended desktop mode.

Windows + + (plus key), and Windows + - (minus key)
This feature of Windows sebhenera myaganiphaiyim. Hold down the Windows key plus or minus key strokes you can magnified any part of your desktop.

Windows + Shift + Left / Windows + Shift + Right
If you have more than one display, you memorize the shortcuts will be able to transfer from one screen to another. It is time to work on multiple documents is a feature usually effective.

Ctrl + Shift + Click
If you want to get access to any application eyadaministryatibha to launch the application by pressing Ctrl + Shift to Active.

Windows + Left and Windows + Right
Windows sebhenera features a staring. Simply drag the window with the mouse to the left or right half of your screen, you can bring saijake.

Alt + P
This command is used to file Active pribhiuke.

Windows + Up and Windows + Down
Saijake maximum up to a window and pressing the windows will be maximized. In the same way again and pressing the Windows window will be minimized. However, keep in mind that the key to re-up windows and restore capare it is not maximized.

This tune lakhya, and might just work

Take a look at all of the Windows executable file extensions list

আমরা সকলেই উইন্ডোস XP,7,8 পরিচিত এবং সকলেই প্রতিদিন কোন না কোন কাজে কম্পিউটার ব্যবহার করে থাকি।এসব ব্যবহার করার সময় আমরা নানান ফাইল দেখি যেমন .exe ফাইলটি দেখলেই বুঝি যে এটা একটা সফ্টওয়ার এটা উইন্ডোস XP,7,8 ব্যবহার করা হয় আবার .mp3 ফাইল দেখলেই বুঝি যে এটা একটা গান। ত আমি আপনাদের আজকে উইন্ডোস এর এর সকল উইন্ডোস এক্সিকিউটেবল ফাইল এক্সটেনশনের তালিকা দিব যা দেখে আপনি সহজেই বুঝতে পারবেন যে কোনটা কোন ফাইল আর কোন ফাইল কোন সফ্টওয়ার এ ওপেন হবে।

 .323 H.323 Internet Telephony
.386 Virtual Device Driver - Executable
.669 WinAmp media file
.aca MS Agent Character file
.acf MS Agent Character file
.acg MS Agent Preview file
.acs MS Agent Character file
.ade MS Access Project Extension - Executable
.adn MS Access Blank Project Template - Executable
.adp MS Access Project - Executable
.aif Mac .aiff Sound Clip
.ani Animated Cursor
.arc PkArc DOS archive
.arj ARJ archive
.art ART image
.asa Active Server Document
.asf Streaming Audio / Video File
.asp Active Server Document - Executable
.asx Streaming Audio / Video shortcut - Executable
.au AU Format Sound
.avi Video clip
.awd Fax Viewer Document
.b64 base64-encoded file
.bas Visual Basic Class Module - Executable
.bat MD-DOS Batch file - Executable
.bhx Mac BinHex-encoded file
.bmp Bitmap Image
.c C source code
.cab Windows propietary archiver
.cat Security Catalog
.cda WinAmo media file
.cdf Channel File
.cdx Active Server Document
.cer Security Certificate
.chm Compiled HTML Help file - Executable
.cil Clip Gallery Download Package
.cmd Windows NT Command Script - Executable
.cnf SpeedDial (NeverShowExt) - Executable
.com MS-DOS Application - Executable
.cpl Control Panel extension - Executable
.crl Certificate Revocation List
.crt Security Certificate
.css Cascading Style Sheet Document - Executable
.csv MS Excel Comma Separated Values ​​file
.cur Cursor
.dcx DCX Image Document
.der Security Certificate
.dic Text Document
.dif MS Excel Data Interchange Format
.dll Application Extension - Executable
.doc MS Word Document
.dot MS Word Template
.dqy MS Excel ODBC Query file
.drv Device Driver
.dsm WinAmp media file
.dsn MS OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
.dun Dial-Up Networking Exported file
.drv Device Driver - Executable
.eml Outlook Express Mail Message
.exc Text Document
.exe Application - Executable, by definition
.far WinAmp media file
.fav Outlook Bar Shortcuts
.fdf Adobe Acrobat Forms Document
.fnd Saved Search
.fon Font file
.gfi GFI File
.gfx GFX File
.gif GIF Image
.gim GIM File
.gix GIX File
.gna GNA File
.gnx GNX File
.gra MS Graph 2000 Chart
.grp MS Program Group
.gwx GWX File
.gwz GWZ File
.gz GNU zip
.h C definition code
.hlp Help File - Executable
.hqx Mac archiver file
.ht HyperTerminal file
.hta HTML Application - Executable
.htm MS HTML Document 5.0 - Executable
.html MS HTML Document 5.0 - Executable
.htt HyperText Template
.htx Internet Database Connector HTML Template
.icc ICC Profile
.icm ICC Profile
.ics iCalendar File
.idf MIDI Instrument Definition
.iii Intel IPhone Compatible
.inf Setup information - Executable
.ini Configuration Settings
.ins Internet Communication Settings - Executable
.iqy MS Excel Web Query File
.isp Internet Communication Setting - Executable
.it WinAmp media file
.its Internet Document Set
.ivf IVF File
.job Task Scheduler Task Object
.jod MS.Jet.OLEDB.4.0
.jpe JPEG Image
.jpg JPEG Image
.js JScript file - Executable
.jse JavaScript Encoded Script File Ink Shortcut - Executable
.lnk Shortcut (NeverShowExt) - Executable
.lsf Streaming Audio / Video file
.lsx Streaming Audio / Video shortcut
.lwv MS Linguistically Enhanced Sound File
.lzh LZH DOS archive
.m1v Movie Clip
.m3u WinAmp Playlist file
.mad MS Access Module Shortcut (NeverShowExt) - Executable?
.maf MS Access Form Shortcut (NeverShowExt) - Executable?
.mag MS Access Diagram Shortcut (NeverShowExt) - Executable?
.mam MS Access Macro Shortcut (NeverShowExt) - Executable?
.maq MS Access Query Shortcut (NeverShowExt) - Executable?
.mar MS Access Report Shortcut (NeverShowExt) - Executable?
.mas MS Access StoredProcedure shortcut (NeverShowExt) - Executable?
.mat MS Access Table Shortcut (NeverShowExt) - Executable?
.mav MS Access View Shortcut (NeverShowExt) - Executable?
.maw MS Access Data Access Page Shortcut (NeverShowExt) - Executable?
.mda MS Access Add-in
.mdb MS Access Database - Executable
.mde MS Access MDE Database - Executable
.mdn MS Access Blank Database Template
.mdt MS Access Add-in data
.mdw MS Access Workgroup Information
.mdz MS Access Database Wizard Template
.mht MS MHTML Document Document 5.0
.mid MIDI file
.mim WinZip file
.mmc Medias Catalog
.mod MODplayer Media file
.mov Quicktime movie clip
.mp1 MPEG1-audio file
.mp2 MPEG2-audio file
.mp3 MPEG3-audio file
.mpa MPEG Movie Clip
.mpe MPEG Movie Clip
.mpg MPEG Movie Clip
.msc MS Common Console Document - Executable
.msg Outlook Item
.msi Windows Installer Package - Executable
.msp Windows Installer Patch - Executable
.mst Visual Test Source Files - Executable
.mtm WinAmp Media file
.nsc NSC File (have an icon, probably associated with Media Player)
.nws Outlook Express News Message
.oft Outlook Item Template
.opx MS Organization Chart 2.0
.oqy MS Excal OLAP Query File
.oss Office Search
.p10 Certificate Request
.p12 Personnal Information Exchange
.p7b PKCS # 7 Certificates
.p7m PKCS # 7 MIME Message
.p7r Certificate Request Response
.p7s PKCS # 7 Signature
.pcd Photo CD Image - Executable
.pcx PCX Image Document
.pdf Adobe Acrobat Document
.pfx Personnal Information Exchange
.pgd PGPDisk volume
.pif Shortcut to MS-DOS Program (NeverShowExt) - Executable
.pko Public Key Security Object
.pl Perl file - Executable
.pls Winamp Playlist file
.png PNG Image
.pot MS PowerPoint Template
.ppa MS PowerPoint Addin
.pps MS PowerPoint Slide Show
.ppt MS PowerPoint Presentation
.prf PICSRules File
.ps PostScript file - Executable
.pwz MS PowerPoint Wizard
.py Python file - Executable
.qcp QUALCOMM PureVoice File
.qt QuickTime Video Clip
.que Task Scheduler Queue Object
.rat Rating System File
.reg Registration Entries - Executable
.rmf Adobe Webbuy Plugin
.rmi MIDI Sequence
.rqy MS Excel OLE DB Query files
.rtf Rich Text Format
.s3m ScreamTracker3 Media file
.scf Windows Explorer Command (NeverShowExt, generic icon) - Executable?
.scp Dial-Up Networking Script
.scr Screen Saver File - Executable
.sct Windows Script Component - Executable
.shb Shortcut into a document (NeverShowExt) - Executable
.shf PGP Share
.shs Shell Scrap object (NeverShowExt) - Executable
.sig PGP Detached signature file
.skr PGP Private Keyring
.slk MS Excel SLK Data Import Format
.snd AU Format Sound
.snp Snapshot File
.spa Flash Movie
.spc PKCS # 7 Certificates
.spl Shockwave Flash Object
.sst Certificate Store
.sta sta file (Eudora)
.stl Certificate Trust List
.stm WinAmp media file
.swf Shockwave Flash Object
.swt Generator Template
.sys System file
.tar TAR archive file
.taz gzipped TAR archive
.tgz gzipped TAR archive
.tif TIFF Image Document
.ttf TrueType Font file
.txt Text Document
.tz gzipped TAR archive
.udl MS Data Link
.uls Internet Location Service (generic icon) - Executable?
.ult Winamp media file
.url Internet Shortcut (NeverShowExt) - Executable
.uu UUencoded file
.uue UUencoded file
.vb VBScript File - Executable
.vbe VBScript Encoded Script File - Executable
.vbs VBScript Script File - Executable
.vcf vCard File
.vcs vCalendar File
.voc Winamp Medias file
.vsd VISIO 5 drawing
.vss VISIO 5 drawing
.vst VISIO 5 drawing
.vsw VISIO 5 drawing
.vxd Virtual device driver - Executable
.wab Address Book File
.wav Waveform audio file
.wbk MS Word Backup Document
.wht MS NetMeeting Whiteboard Document
.wif WIF Image Document
.wiz MS Word Wizard - Executable
.wlg Dr. Watson Log
.wm Windows Media Audio / Video File
.wma Windows media audio
.wpd WordPerfect file
.wpz Winamp extension installation file
.wri Write Document
.wsc Windows Script Component - Executable
.wsh Windows Script File - Executable
.wsh Windows Scripting Host Settings File - Executable
.wsz Winamp extension installation file
.xif XIF Image Document
.xla MS Excel Add-in
.xlb MS Excel Worksheet
.xlc MS Excel Chart
.xld MS Excel 5.0 DialogSheet
.xlk MS Excel Backup File
.xll MS Excel XLL
.xlm MS Excel 4.0 Macro
.xls MS Excel Worksheet
.xlt MS Excel Template
.xlv MS Excel VBA Module
.xlw MS Excel Workspace
.xm ScreamTracker media file
.xml XML Document
.xnk Exchange Shortcut (NeverShowExt) - Executable?
.xsl XSL Stylesheet
.xxe XXencoded file
.z Compressed file
.z0 Z0 file (ZoneAlarm)
.z1 Z1 file (ZoneAlarm)
.zip Zipped file
.ZL? ZoneAlarm Mailsafe Renamed File

Unlimited free calls from home and abroad that

We are well known to everyone at the beginning of the post salamaasa sabaitaitela given on how to have unlimited free calls, and talk about it.

Let's ok where to start, the first two from the Google Play Store to download apps. TALK U and Device ID Changer. After installing the app, and click on TALK U Open Up karabenaera karabenasaina select the country after the United States and then type the mobile number, 708 of the type that I like the seven-digit number. Touch on the ok where karabenaera kantinio touch on the top left side of the back karabenaerapara aitaiya will have the option to activate the actuator will open the box Touch the Touch Now if you put your name or any other name would touch on the kantinio. 15 credits will be able to take credit auto tarapara More apsahane at 5.

After taking credit when the numbers 0 minute speak out parabenadesera'll talk a little more with 0 credits. Stand brother not scared, you can call unlimited to dichilama. It's time to see roadsides. 0 credits the Application Manager's not relevant at the end of the ape TALK U Clear legacy data after the device ID numbers changer at any nmabara cut when the play batons Touch ID will be changed. Sign up now and again, like the previous one to take credit 0 talk comfortably. Please call him credit at the end of the credit. The process may seem like trouble but remember writing once the work Choir will feel the pulses and rice.

Be the first to comment on issues like the C-U Next time diben comment box.

Facebook Messenger's 21 Hidden Tricks Unknown

Facebook Messenger Today, I will discuss the tricks of the small 1. Many of the tricks you know about it. Unknown to many, there are some tricks of the maddhye. This post is for them. Currently, 100 million people around the world use Facebook Messenger. Almost every week some update of Facebook Messenger is the authorities. Tricks are listed below can be seen.

01. Log in: Facebook Log in at 3 in the Email, Phone Number, Username

II. Facebook Bot: a few days ago has been updated. It is also known as Virtual Assistant.

03. Scan Code: by this camera can be utilized Add Friend Request, and the Messenger.

04. Nick Name: Friends of the name can be changed to another name.

05. Chat Color: Chat Field can change the color of.

06. Send Files: The Tricks of the Audio, Video, PDF File, Document and Apk Files can be sent.

07. Notification OFF: Alert messages can stop.

08. Emoji Change: Change imuji.

09. Play Games: you can play football and basketball.

10. Secret Conversation: You can hide the chat.

11. Many ID Use: Log in to the ID number of a can with APP.

12. SMS: Can not Control the phone with massage it.
13. Ringtone Change: Video and Audio tap Change Ringtone

14. Auto Save Pictures: Photos will be saved automatically.

15. Chat Head OFF: Massage is not going to go away.

16. Daily Cute Alert: Cute day will pickup.

17. Play Chess: Chess can not play.

18. Photo Edit: Edit photos can be.

19. Shortcut: loved ones will be put in front of your face.

20. Sound Clips: funny sound clips can be sent.

21. Talkz Message: the text written in the voice, it will be sent.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Why would Facebook ads? How will?

What are Facebook Ads?

Magazine, TV, radio and other media, like Facebook, a medium, which means your company / pages / sites / products in the moment of advertising can reach millions of people with your ad.

Why would Facebook ads?

Bangladesh, like other developed countries, increased opportunities, today in the hands of a few years ago, people were not as mobile phones. Now in the hands of the rich and the poor is found in at least 1 of the mobile phone. Nowadays a lot of people who know Facebook is the Internet means. Remember phesabukai internet. Bijnadera it would seem ridiculous to some. But it is true.

And now there are many who spent 10 years in the hands of newspaper news paper did not fall, because the era has changed, now just a minute into Facebook simply getting together with all of the news magazine, and the easiest means of communication, and if Facebook can easily access to make contact with all friends paretai whether or not any work for at least 1 bar, but will check Facebook account.

And our country is the traditional paper-newspaper ad, which is to convey to the people of a certain class or age is not possible.

You must have time to add that request.

Your business / products during the course of the ad should target the specific people derai.

It was sure a lot of your laksapurana.

And it is just possible phesabukei. Facebook's profession, language, interests, etc., can be divided according to the class.

So you can reach your ads to your specific customers.

So if your company / pages / sites / products in the moment of advertising can reach millions of people with your ad.

In summary,

01. Like Facebook page continues to grow

02. Many people like to increase your page will be involved in the

03. If you see a post that allows users to pages like

04. Many users will download the application if the application ads

05. Many users will take part in the event after event advertising

06. No news will be advertising the website visitor or reader.

Facebook to add that you can be tracked

1. Title type the 5 chars will be spesasaha

II. Body, which is to write something that will be spesasaha 90 characters

3. Photo pixel 600 * 225 will be

4. Can you picture a maximum of 6 pages for ads

5. You Location, Age, Gender (target audience) to be

You can promote your pages for a package can take any of the above mentioned.

How Facebook hate charges

Basically charge tinatibhabe Facebook

1. Cost Per 1000 Impressions (CPM): The advertising in 1000, depending on the Facebook impresanera a charge.

II. Cost Per 1000 People Reached: The ad has 1000 people on your ad, based on a charge Facebook

3. Cost Per Click (CPC): The clicks your ad, how many people are coming or how many likes, a charge based on Facebook.

However, if Facebook Page Promote Facebook likes to say it for a price rate given below:

$ 5 = 400 BDT = Est 44 - 176 Likes per day

$ 10 = 800 BDT = Est 88 - 353 Likes per day

$ 15 = 1200 BDT = Est 132 - 529 Likes per day

$ 20 = 1600 BDT Est 176 - 706 Likes per day

$ 25 = 2000 BDT Est 221 - 882 Likes per day

If you wish, you can add even more money.

 Your do not have the card. Boost How does it work?

Facebook buster is important for the card. There are a lot of formalities and time to get used to, but the card. I do not peoniyara card. But the use of gift cards do I boost my page. You can use the card to another card if you do not. But it is not safe at all. If you want to boost your card safely, use, or use the gift card. Gift cards are the safest and easiest to use.